Professional X-Ray
Before fixing, we need to understand what’s wrong, and we check everything: from your website’s code, local mapping, analytics, to your competitors on Google Results and everything in between. This step is game-changing.
Hands on Fixing
The specific work of fixing, changing, and improving a web presence takes less time than mapping what’s not working. The time it takes for Google to recognize these changes can sometimes take time but we put you in the position, ready, right now for better results.
Full Monitoring
Here is where your results will appear: on improved Google numbers, ranking, and conversions. We carefully monitor all the major signals of your increase visitors, from Google results to maps, checking visitors, pages, sources, links, keywords and everything.
What We Use
Search Engine Optimization.
Search Engine Marketing.
Map Engine Optimization.
Social Media Optimization.
Search Engine Results Page Domination.
User Experience Optimization.
Google Adsense, Google First Page Paid Ads, Facebook Ads & Remarketing.
The Plans
Below are three plans that are used to get started. Each of these becoming very customized for your business and your specific goals once a full analysis happens.
- Local SEO Analysis
- Local SEO Optimization
- Local MEO: Put your business on the map
- Local SEM
- Recommendations
Small Biz Complete
- Complete SEO Analysis
- Complete SEO Optimization
- Google Analytics
- Coding (HTML) work
- Content guidelines
- UX improvements
- Link building guidelines
- Site IA (Information Architecture)
- Social Network guidelines
- Complete MEO: Put your business on the map
- Complete SEM
- Social Media Improvements Sheet
- Google Analytics Set Up for Monitoring and Alerts
- Visitation and Conversion Goals
- Optional Advanced Goals
- Optional Google Adsense and/or Facebook Ads campaings
Big Biz Complete
- Complete SEO Analysis
- Complete SEO Optimization
- Google Analytics
- Coding (HTML) work
- Content guidelines
- UX improvements
- Link building guidelines
- Site IA (Information Architecture)
- Social Network guidelines
- Complete MEO: Put your business on the map
- Complete SEM
- Social Media Improvements Sheet
- Google Analytics Set Up for Monitoring and Alerts
- Visitation and Conversion Goals
- Optional Advanced Goals
- Optional Google Adsense and/or Facebook Ads campaings
It's time - be found!
Potential customers are using the web looking for products or services like yours. Are you in front of them with a clear organized message? If not, we can help.
A lot!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my business appear on top of Google Results?
This is the most common question and desire of every business. We work strongly on SEO and all adjustments to make your business appear on the first page of Google search results, and if we think it is possible, yes, we will build the way through TOP 1 RESULT in your area.
But you have to observe 3 important points: (1) each Google results page is different for each user, depending on if the user is logged in or not, where he is, if he already clicked on previous results, etc (even for the same person the results may appear different depending on the time of the day, the connection, the device, etc); (2) nowadays all businesses know Google SEO is gold and they improve their work often, so to keep your business on the top, there must be non-stop work; and (3) your competition, keywords and work can define how long it will take for you to appear as TOP 1 results, and if it is possible.
This package is not our default package, because it demands a lot of hard work and adjustments, so you’ll need to include that on your goal.
Will you need access to my site?
Yes. We will need at least some access to change code, text and structure. If you have a profissional or a team in charge of that, the better, because we can communicate directly to them. But this will be done with extreme care and preparation, so you can check, approve and see the changes.
Do you provide constant monitoring and management services?
Yes. While a one-time job is extremely useful and powerful to make your business improve on Google search results, the non-stop management of your site and positions is essential to keep you at the new level. Plus, sometimes your competitors improve their jobs so you have to make new adjustments. We will talk about it with you when we know your needs and requests.
Do I need to know all that technical stuff?
You don’t need to. We can explain all terms to you in basic words, so you can be aware of what they are, how they affect your business and how we will proceed to work.
Do you do website creation?
Yes, we do basic site creation, fully tailored for strong search results. If you are a large business, with many products, we may suggest looking for a web company with more resources to help you with that, so they can allocate a complete team to help build your site.