Google knows that of the main challenges that keep people and businesses awake in the night in our ever-evolving Internet days is just to be found on the web. Everybody should pay close attention to that. Just to be found turned to be such a challenge these days that the Google Webmasters Tools want to help everyone with that task — and elected that as the top mission. We from Corrective Crew know that by experience and couldn’t agree more, and actually we think there is a second absolutely essential need that almost every site also run after the need to be clicked. Not much use to be found if you are not going to be the result that’s clicked, right?
Once you’re clicked, the person is in your area, in your designed experience, and everything is much easier. It’s up to you.
It should be obvious, but just “be online” doesn’t work anymore. Actually, it has not been working for a long time. To make yourself – your site, domain, social presence – show up from the immense ocean of the billions of sites and the billions of searches that are performed every day: show up – that is the challenge. And with that there’s also the challenge to be the result that is clicked.
Google is being nice and universal in that Webmasters statement, as it should. Our job in Corrective Crew is to go way beyond that: our goal is strong and specific, it’s to use everything at our hands to make serious businesses be found and be clicked, on Google and other search engines. That’s what all those technical terms, acronyms (SEO, SEM, MEO, etc.) and knowledge categories (findability, user experience, etc) mean: they are part of the science of building, designing, adjusting and monitoring a website to be found and clicked.